Ping (ICMP.dll) 简单实现
posted @ 2012年10月31日 17:24
in 技术blog
, 2012 阅读
代码: .h #pragma once #include <WinSock.h> // ping 操作接口 typedef struct ip_option_information { UCHAR Ttl; UCHAR Tos; UCHAR Flags; UCHAR OptionsSize; PUCHAR OptionsData; } IP_OPTION_INFORMATION, *PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION; typedef struct icmp_echo_reply { ULONG Address; ULONG Status; ULONG RoundTripTime; // 往返时间 USHORT DataSize; USHORT Reserved; PVOID Data; IP_OPTION_INFORMATION Options; } ICMP_ECHO_REPLY, *PICMP_ECHO_REPLY; typedef HANDLE (WINAPI IcmpCreateFile)(VOID); typedef BOOL (WINAPI IcmpCloseHandle)(HANDLE IcmpHandle); typedef DWORD (WINAPI IcmpSendEcho)( // 传入由IcmpCreateFile创建的一个测试句柄 HANDLE IcmpHandle, // 要测试的IP地址,(需要用到inet_addr() 函数来转换) ULONG DestinationAddress, // 需要发送到IP地址的数据,传入指针 LPVOID RequestData, // 发送的数据大小 WORD RequestSize, // IP头选项,传入指针 PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION RequestOptions, // 测试后返回的数据,用icmp_echo_reply来接收 LPVOID ReplyBuffer, // ReplyBuffer的大小,一般是 sizeof(icmp_echo_reply) DWORD ReplySize, // 一个以MS为单位的值,代表着一个超时值 DWORD Timeout); class CPingI { public: CPingI(); ~CPingI(); BOOL Ping(int timeout, LPCTSTR pHost); private: HINSTANCE hIcmpDLL; IcmpCreateFile* lpIcmpCreateFile; IcmpCloseHandle* lpIcmpCloseHandle; IcmpSendEcho* lpIcmpSendEcho; }; .cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "PingI.h" CPingI::CPingI() { // load hIcmpDLL = LoadLibrary("ICMP.DLL"); if (hIcmpDLL == NULL) { return; } lpIcmpCreateFile = (IcmpCreateFile*)GetProcAddress(hIcmpDLL,"IcmpCreateFile"); lpIcmpCloseHandle = (IcmpCloseHandle*)GetProcAddress(hIcmpDLL,"IcmpCloseHandle"); lpIcmpSendEcho = (IcmpSendEcho*)GetProcAddress(hIcmpDLL,"IcmpSendEcho"); if (lpIcmpSendEcho == NULL || lpIcmpCloseHandle == NULL || lpIcmpCreateFile == NULL) { return; } } CPingI::~CPingI() { if (hIcmpDLL != NULL) { FreeLibrary(hIcmpDLL); hIcmpDLL = NULL; } } // ping x.x.x.x BOOL CPingI::Ping(int timeout, LPCTSTR pHost) { IP_OPTION_INFORMATION ip_option; UCHAR sendData[128]; UCHAR recData[128]; HANDLE handle; PICMP_ECHO_REPLY pEchoReply; // 应答个数 int nReply; // error if (lpIcmpSendEcho == NULL || lpIcmpCloseHandle == NULL || lpIcmpCreateFile == NULL) { return FALSE; } memset(&ip_option, 0, sizeof(IP_OPTION_INFORMATION)); // TTL ip_option.Ttl = 128; // send Data memset(sendData, '1', 128); // rec Data memset(recData, 0, 128); pEchoReply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)recData; // create handle handle = lpIcmpCreateFile(); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } // send nReply = lpIcmpSendEcho(handle, inet_addr(pHost), sendData, 64, &ip_option, pEchoReply, sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + 64, timeout); // close lpIcmpCloseHandle(handle); if (nReply == 0) { // GetLastErr SetLastError(pEchoReply->Status); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
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